



2022-06-28 13:00

105860 0 3


Maritime authorities are looking into the Jumbo Floating Restaurant incident, the vessel's parent company said last night, as it stressed it will not receive any insurance payout for the loss. The Sansha Maritime Safety Administration "is now following up on the incident" .

The mysterious loss of the vessel sparked speculation after Aberdeen Enterprises said last Monday the 76-meter vessel, towed away from the Aberdeen typhoon shelter on June 14, capsized on June 19 when passing Xisha Islands in the South China Sea after being hit by a thunderstorm and water entered its hull.

上周一香港仔企业表示,这艘 76 米长的船只于 6 月 14 日从香港避风塘被拖走,于 6 月 19 日在经过南海西沙群岛时遭遇雷暴,船体进水而倾覆,该船神秘失踪引发外界猜测。

Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises said Jumbo is covered by a "protection and indemnity cover for third parties liability" in accordance with maritime regulations. The insurance covers only third-party losses and not losses to the company.

It also said it had made significant efforts to keep Jumbo's legacy alive and incurred cumulative losses of over HK$100 million since 2013 and tried to donate or transfer the vessel, at no cost, to any company or organization interested in taking over for the past two years.
它还表示,自 2013 年以来已做出重大努力以保持珍宝号遗产,累计亏损超过 1 亿港元,并试图在过去两年内将这艘船无偿捐赠或转让给任何有兴趣接管的公司或组织。

It hired professional engineers to inspect the hull and hoardings, and had obtained approval before Jumbo's departure to Cambodia for maintenance.

It said the tug company that towed Jumbo vessel was hired by a licensed third-party broker. The towing method was in compliance with international maritime regulations and customary practices.

The company has said the waters where Jumbo capsized were 1,000 meters deep and would pose difficulties to a salvage operation.
该公司表示,珍宝号倾覆的水域有 1000 米深,将给打捞作业带来困难。

"Despite the efforts of the tugboat responsible to rescue the vessel, it capsized. This is consistent with our report to the Marine Department on Thursday, which stated that the vessel capsized due to adverse conditions," the company said last night.

The department said Thursday both Jumbo and the tugboat, Jaewon 9, were still off Xisha Islands.
该部门周四表示,珍宝号和拖船 Jaewon 9 仍在西沙群岛附近。

But local media said Friday a director of the Korean tugboat company revealed that Jumbo did not sink because six of the eight buoyancy tanks were still operating but had capsized.
但当地媒体周五称,这家韩国拖轮公司的一位董事透露,珍宝号并未沉没,因为 8 个浮力罐中有 6 个仍在运行,但已经倾覆。

The director also said it's impossible to save the vessel from the sea due to the insurance issue, while the vessel owner and insurance company were planning to find divers who can destroy the other six buoyancy tanks so the vessel can sink.

# 三沙
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